Ruth Bader Ginsburg In Space Astronaut
by Tony Rubino
Buy the Original Painting
20.000 x 20.000 x 2.000 inches
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Ruth Bader Ginsburg In Space Astronaut
Tony Rubino
Painting - Mixed Media, Acrylic On Canvas
Bader Ginsburg is an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Ginsburg was appointed by President Bill Clinton and took the oath of office on August 10, 1993. She is the second female justice of four to be confirmed to the court. Following O'Connor's retirement, and until Sotomayor joined the court, Ginsburg was the only female justice on the Supreme Court. During that time, Ginsburg became more forceful with her dissents, which were noted by legal observers and in popular culture. She is generally viewed as belonging to the liberal wing of the court. Ginsburg has authored notable majority opinions, including United States v. Virginia, Olmstead v. L.C., and Friends of the Earth, Inc. v. Laidlaw Environmental Services, Inc.
February 1st, 2019